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Women's Circle: Hanukkah Pre-Party

Wednesday, December 14, 2022 20 Kislev 5783

6:30 PM - 8:30 PMHome of Naomi Harris
 Free Event - open to Women's Circle Members Only.
Last Day to register: December 12th - midnight


click here to register

Join the Women’s Circle for a night of food, drinks, and lots of fun! Just like the “good old days”, we’ll enjoy latkes and drinks provided by Women’s Circle, and potluck appetizers and desserts [If your last name starts with the letters A-M, please bring an appetizer to share. If your last name starts with the letters N-Z, please bring a dessert to share].


We’re bringing back the famous White Elephant gift exchange too–everyone who wants to participate should bring a wrapped gift of approximately $20 value. Feel free to get creative!



Cost: FREE and is open to Beth Am Women's Circle members only - not too late to join!

Location: The home of our co-chair, Naomi Harris - address will be given upon RSVP.

Registration for Hanukkah Pre-Party 2022

Register for the event (registration ends midnight on December 12th):

This form closed on 2022-12-12 00:00:00.

Not a member of Women's Circle? Please fill out below:

This form closed on 2023-06-30 00:00:00.


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