Bnei Mitzvah
B'nei Mitzvah
Continuing the Traditions of Our People, From Generation to Generation
B'nei Mitzvah is a beginning. Jewish law has fixed the age of thirteen (13) for boys and twelve (12) for girls as the beginning of adulthood. On the day of their B'nei Mitzvah, a child is called to the Torah, joins the community, and legally enters the stage of responsibility at that time. Being a B'nei Mitzvah means reaching the age of Jewish maturity and assuming the privileges, obligations and responsibilities of following the Mitzvot, the commandments of Jewish law.
This period of training and preparation can be a time of growth and enrichment, not only for the student, but for the family as a whole. The B'nei Mitzvah should be treated as a catalyst in your child’s life, the time for grappling with ideas and identities, both Jewish and secular. It is a time that can have deep significance and be of vital importance to your child’s development as an individual and a Jew.
Preparation for a B'nei Mitzvah begins when a child enters religious school. For three (3) years prior and during their B'nei Mitzvah year, every B'nei Mitzvah child must be enrolled in the Beth Am Jewish Learning Center (JLC) program or a Jewish day school.
Approximately seven (7) months prior to their B'nei Mitzvah date, each student is assigned a one-on-one tutor. Additionally, throughout a student’s 7th Grade year, they and their families are expected to attend a monthly Tafrit TNT class.
Please contact Rabbi Earne at or call (858) 481-2964 if you have questions or if you need any additional information.
Sat, February 22 2025
24 Shevat 5785
Annual Town Hall Meeting
Attention to all parents who have children in 5th grade or born in 2013! Our annual B'nei Mitzvah Townhall meeting will be held January 17, 2024. If you did not attend and need a B'nei Mitzvah date, please contact Rabbi Matthew Earne. Thank you.
Quick Links
B'nei Mitzvah Handbook (2024-2025)
B'nei Mitzvah Planning: FAQ Supplement
B'nei Mitzvah Aliyot & Honors Sheet
[coming soon]
Congregation Beth Am | 5050 Del Mar Heights Road | San Diego, CA 92130
858.481.8454 |
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